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About "Safety Alerts!" -

In this section, the Fluid Power Safety Institute™ will bring to the forefront, items of such urgency that we feel they need to be highlighted above all else. We therefore encourage you to be sure to check out this section each and every time you log-on to this site so as to keep informed of any newsworthy items that may affect you immediately!


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Ref. No.
Click on the appropriate heading to review the safety alert:

SA-039 Is a Forklift a Safe Substitute for an Aerial Platform?
SA-038 Elevating Machinery for Service or Repair Work -
SA-037 Owning a Hydraulic Flow Meter Doesn't Qualify a Person as a Troubleshooter.
SA-036 Does "dumbing-down" USA's mechanics boost corporate profits?
SA-034 Screwing a cartridge valve out to relieve pressure could kill you!
SA-033 Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers are both right . . . and wrong, about releasing stored energy to atmosphere!
SA-032 There is more to operating a hydraulic machine than pushing and pulling levers - what operator's don't know about hydraulics could kill them!
SA-031 "Home-made" hydraulic test connectors could kill you!
SA-030 Does your Hydrostatically-Propelled vehicle have brakes?
SA-029 Urgent Safety Alert for miners who repair and service longwall shields and systems!
SA-028 Reactive safety – the American way!
SA-027 Another disgraceful example of the state of safety in the fluid power industry!
SA-026 Steel worker crushed to death under 17 tons of iron-ore pellets. Another worker falls with his "lock by his side."
SA-025 Is poor design the real reason why this worker was killed?
SA-024 Urgent advice for people who rent, own, and/or operate aerial platforms.
SA-023 A hose end/connector separation failure IS AN ACCIDENT!!!
SA-022 A maintenance mechanic was injured while attempting to remove a transmission line from the closed-end of a hydraulic lift cylinder installed on a front-end loader.
SA-021 A diesel mechanic was injured as a result of his using unsafe diagnostic equipment to perform a routine troubleshooting procedure.
SA-020 A millwright was killed while tightening a leaking high pressure connector.
SA-019 A maintenance worker was fatally injured after having hydraulic oil injected into his hand while attempting to bleed trapped air from a hydraulic cylinder.
SA-018 Two maintenance technicians were severely injured while attempting to remove a stubborn rod-end gland from a hydraulic cylinder.
SA-017 This fluid power safety alert focuses on the aftermath of a tragic accident which was caused by an unprotected rotating shaft.
SA-016 A mechanic's helper lost his hand while attempting to remove the end-cap from a piston-type accumulator.
SA-015 An operator was fatally injured while attempting to free a jammed conveyor.
SA-014 A millwright was seriously injured as a result of an accident he suffered while operating a portable, high-pressure hand-pump (porta-power). Of the ten hand-pumps inspected at his company only three of them were fit for service.
SA-013 A mobile mechanic fractured both arms as a result of an accident he suffered while working on a scissor-lift.
SA-012 A millwright suffered eye injury, minor burns, bruises, and abrasions, as a result of an accident he suffered while testing a hydraulic motor.
SA-011 A maintenance technician burnt down an entire manufacturing plant as a result of an accident he caused while testing a hydraulic cylinder.
SA-010 A Mill maintenance technician, with some hydraulic training, was injured as a result of an accident he suffered while removing a hydraulic cylinder from production to replace gland seals that were reportedly leaking.
SA-009 An oil-field service mechanic suffered a broken ankle and chest lacerations when he was struck by a "flying" cylinder rod that was inadvertently launched into the air because the cleaning bay attendant charged the closed-end of the cylinder with compressed air in an attempt to drain the oil. The problem was that the cylinder was equipped with an integral pilot-operated check valve, and so was born another needless accident!
SA-008 Worker gets blamed for deadly accident caused by poor hydraulic system design!
SA-007 SAE Code 61, SAE Code 62, and Caterpillar® 4-bolt flange confusion - There are many people who think that on-the-job training for hydraulics is adequate. Here is a prime example why it simply does not work. In fact, it can leave innocent people vulnerable to severe injury or death.
SA-006 Unsafe service, repair, and troubleshooting recommendations are running rampant throughout the fluid power industry - and there is no end in sight!
SA-005 This recommendation for air-bleeding a hydraulic cylinder could cause severe injury, or death.
SA-004 This manufacturer's recommendations for testing their hydraulic motor could, in our opinion, cause severe injury, death, or substantial property damage.
SA-003 A millwright with no formal training in hydraulics, suffered a non-injury accident as a result of an error made by a hydraulic distributor when crossing over a hydraulic directional control valve from one manufacturer to another.
SA-002 Stop! Before you "fly" another aerial platform into the clear blue sky, read this safety alert!
SA-001 What this manufacturer of coil-tubing machines recommends about troubleshooting their hydraulic system could, in our opinion, cause severe injury, death, or substantial property damage.

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