In an effort to curb accidents, and halt "trial-and-error" work practices, the Fluid Power Safety Institute is going to write general guidelines for setting up and adjusting a wide variety of hydraulic components/systems.
People who perform setup and adjustment procedures on hydraulic components and/or systems MUST be properly trained. However, even those who are trained are faced with the fact that very few machinery manufacturers provide practical, specific, accurate, and/or safety-based instructions on how to perform the work.
The instructions contained in these setup and adjustment procedures are guidelines only. They describe in general terms, how to do various setup and adjustment procedures. Machinery manufacturers are responsible for providing accurate, detailed, and safe procedures for their respective machines and equipment. In addition, the diagnostic instruments recommended must be in safe working condition, and must be rated for pressure and flow equal to, or greater than, the system pressure and flow.
People who work on and around hydraulic systems of any kind without formal training expose themselves, and others, to serious safety hazards. An accident with a hydraulic system can result in severe injury, death, or substantial property damage. |
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